Volunteers For Animals mission is to provide care, comfort and protection to companion animals in need in Genesee County, NY by engaging the hands, hearts and minds of our community. VFA seeks to promote compassion and kindness as well as a clear opportunity for adoption.
At the Shelter under the direction of the Animal Control Officers, VFA volunteers provide and assist with:
~caring for lost or stray animals
~caring for and paying for the medical care of sick and injured animals
~coordinating the kitten foster care program and purchasing kitten food and supplies
~day-to-day cleaning and paperwork
~promoting adoptions
~promoting important vaccines and purchasing medical supplies and test kits
~promoting and funding the spaying and neutering of shelter animals
~providing pet therapy at local nursing homes
In the community, independent of our work at the Shelter, VFA:
~promotes, supports, and funds spay and neuter surgeries and vaccines via VFA low-cost spay and neuter voucher program
~partners with Batavia Petco to operate an off-site feline adoption location
~assists Spay Our Strays clinics to help limit the stray cat population
~coordinates the Path to Home program (dog training program at a local prison)
~leads and coordinates the VFA Rescue Dog program (accepting dogs from other shelters)
~provides education regarding animal well being and adoption
Donate with confidence! Volunteers For Animals is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Volunteers For Animals are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The federal tax identification number for Volunteers For Animals of Batavia is 22-2783890.
Volunteers For Animals New York State Registered Shelter/Rescue number is RR125.
Donations are used for:
Veterinary Care: Volunteers For Animals pays for all the medical treatment of the animals that come through the Shelter. We ensure that animals are healthy and spayed/neutered prior to adoption. We purchase vaccines, medications, test kits, special foods, and supplies for the animals at the Genesee County Animal Shelter that the County does not supply.
The Spay-Neuter Program: We spay and neuter all animals prior to adoption. We also assist with spay/neuter of pets in the community by providing low cost voucher.
Rescue Dogs: We pull dogs from high volume shelters and transport them here to be adopted into the community. Many of these dogs are provided with extensive medical vet care once they arrive.
Fundraising and Promotion: We publicize the shelter and adoptable animals through our website, Facebook, placing ads in the Batavia Daily News and through mailings. We hold several large fundraising events each year to assist with cost of caring for animals in Genesee County.
This is a video about the work that Volunteers for Animals of Batavia (NY) does in Genesee County, NY and at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.
Volunteers For Animals Monthly Meetings
Regular general membership meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 6:15 pm via Zoom. They are open to all active and contribuing members and the general public. If you would like to attend the Zoom meeting, please send an email to info@vol4animals.org. We encourage everyone to come out and speak up for the animals.
Annual Live Release Rate for 2024
Adoptions + All Outgoing Transfers + Return to Owner/Guardian + Other live divided by Total Outcomes excluding owner/guardian requested euthanasia (unhealthy and untreatable), and dogs and cats that died or were lost in the shelter/care.
Annual Live Release Rate = 761 / 822 x 100 = 92.5%
The Annual Live Release Rate does not include 16 dogs and cats that died or were lost in the shelter/care.